Life With Puppy eBook Three: Bringing Puppy Home
The Big Day
At the Breeder’s
Arriving Home
Introducing Puppy to Family Members

By now, you are probably getting excited about that new puppy. After all, you have the supplies, you have the breeder and you are just waiting for the day your little one can come home.
Hopefully, the time is now at hand and you can set out to get your puppy. That is what this book is all about: getting your puppy home and making the transition easy for your young ward.
Book Three: Bringing Home Puppy is all about this special time in your puppy’s life. While it may seem like an easy task, it can be one of the areas where puppy owners make the most mistakes.
How you bring your puppy home can affect his long-term health and also his personality. It should be a positive experience for everyone involved, and it can actually be very easy to accomplish if you go about it the right way.